Feelin’ Hot Hot Hot

By: Mr. Wilson on August 10, 2007
Urgh, I'm a little off schedule this morning, so there won't be much for postings this morning. Sorry 'bout that. I'll pull a Nebraskan and talk about the weather. How 'bout that heat and humidity? Nice, isn't it? Look for heat index values above 110 on Saturday. That actually makes me glad to have to sit in a classroom most of the day. Oh, now is probably a good time to remind people that Nebraska does not experience "95% humidity" in the heat of the day. We're usually in the 30%-50% range. I know that doesn't sound very exciting, but it's still awfully dang hot. By the way, the musical reference for the title of this post is pretty obvious. But nobody caught the "Boys and Girls Together" reference from the other day. That one came from a tune on Chase's self-titled first album. Come on, surely I'm not the only one who owns that album. Can I see some hands...?


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August 10, 2007 at 2:34PM

Never hear of Chase before, but it is before my time.  Now reference some early to mid 90’s music and I would know what you are talking about.  😊

August 10, 2007 at 4:27PM

I am old enough but had never heard of Chase either.  I went to Amazon and listened to the sampler of their 1971 album One Way.  Of the 30 seconds of 7 songs,  I only vaguely recognized “Get it On”. 
How could I have missed such great hits from that album as “Hello Groceries” and “Handbags and Gladrags”????

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