Erbert and Gerberts Has Opened Downtown

By: Mr. Wilson on September 13, 2007
The oddly named Erbert and Gerbert's has opened Downtown in the former Homer's location. Yes, it's another sandwich shop, but hey, competition is good, right? If I can figure out where The Missus hid the menu we grabbed I'll post photos. Until then, there are menus on their website.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 13, 2007 at 1:06PM

I saw the E&G PT cruiser downtown tues after work.  Also saw Mt. T twice, but he had earphones in and could not hear my pssssst…..

Think I might check them out soon.  Thanks for the update.

Mr. T
September 13, 2007 at 6:30PM

BorK - I have a pair of Shure e2c sound isolating headphones I specifically purchased to drown out the noise of traffic congestion while walking around town. Next time you see me wearing those, just hit me over the head with a slab of bacon.

September 13, 2007 at 6:36PM

I love my E2C’s but the cable has cracked on both sides pretty bad.  I wrap them with teflon tape to keep them kicking which seems to work well.

Pocket bacon could of saved the day.

And bacon can be added to any sammich for $0.79 which is cool in my book.

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