Electric Bills Get a Jolt

By: Mr. Wilson on February 12, 2008
Look for a 5 percent increase in your electric bill from LES. That's lower than the 5.5% LES requested, but higher than the 4% and 4.5% requested by LIBA and the Lincoln Employers Coalition, respectively. What will LES do without the extra 0.5%? That remains to be seen. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a voluntary "support sustainable energy" checkbox on our bills in the future. I don't see such a thing being extremely successful. Why not? Because LES hasn't (yet) given us any concrete goals to work toward. "Help LES build five new wind turbines" sounds like something I can get behind. "Help LES make posters and billboards to tell people to be more environmentally conscious" isn't nearly as sexy.


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