Dropping the Habit

By: Mr. Wilson on March 16, 2009
You folks have convinced us. The Missus and I have finally decided to lose our landline and go mobile-only. Finally we will be rid of the annoying phone calls for Charles Hagel and the periodic batches of annoying debt-collection phone calls that continue despite our assurances that we are not the debtors they are looking for. The next person to have our number will inherit those problems, plus whatever garbage we happen to leave behind. We will probably cut the cord in a week, after we've had time to ensure that everybody who needs to know our mobile numbers knows them. Speaking of which, if any of you are callers to the Wilson house and you don't have our mobile numbers, let us know.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
March 17, 2009 at 3:11AM

I’m excited for when Google Voice opens up to the public.

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