Drive-By Questions

By: Mr. Wilson on March 12, 2010
At the end of this morning's show, Jack posed a series of quick questions to Ken and me. Here are two of them, paraphrased a bit: First up, if for the rest of your life you could have only one pizza from some place in Lincoln, what would it be? I answered daVinci's barbecue chicken pizza. I'm not stuck on that answer. I could go with about ten other options. Ken Svoboda chickened out and tried to create a veritable tower of power featuring slices from all of Lincoln's best pizza joints. Not that I blame him. If there's one thing I've discovered after years of blogging, it's that you people are passionate about food. Well then, what would you choose? The next question was something along the lines of: "What intersection in Lincoln do you always try to avoid?" I said 27th and Highway 2 eastbound, though in reality the unpleasantness begins all the way back at 14th. When that stretch gets clogged it stays clogged, thanks in large part to slow-starting semis that dramatically reduce the flow of traffic. It's not unusual to see a mini caravan of semis run a red light -- while accelerating to a speedy 15 miles per hour -- because they've already sat through 3 lights and they're sick of waiting. I can't blame them. Which intersection(s) do you avoid?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

March 12, 2010 at 4:26PM

.. but I love YiaYia’s. The Atlantic is the way to go.

March 12, 2010 at 5:10PM

I’m really into the Francais at Yia Yia’s right now.

13th and Van Dorn is very poorly timed if you are on Van Dorn.

Brian Fitzgerald
March 12, 2010 at 5:22PM

Another vote for Yia Yia’s Atlantic. If I’m looking for something more traditional I go pepperoni at Lazzari’s.

Intersections? I make the mistake too often of planning my route south during the day through the normal/40th/south triangle.

Mr. Wilson
March 12, 2010 at 5:43PM

You win the Nifty URL Of The Day contest.

March 12, 2010 at 5:49PM

What’s on that one? I think the Northern is the one I like. The one with chicken, potatoes, broccoli, bacon, and alfredo.

March 12, 2010 at 9:15PM

Yia Yia’s Southern, with BBQ sauce instead of marina, gilled chicken, mozzarella and jalapenos.  And my custom - pesto, bacon, sun-dried tomatoes and bleu cheese.

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