Don’t Blame the Drivers

By: Mr. Wilson on August 8, 2006
Councilwoman Robin Eschliman wants to blame Star Tran's drivers for Star Tran's "empty buses", crappy routes, and other shortcomings. As a result, she voted against their new contract. That hardly seems fair. The drivers have very little, if anything, to do with the fact that Lincolnites don't ride the bus. Blaming the drivers for a less-than-perfect bus system is like blaming the waiter for the bad food on your plate. On the other hand, Ms. Eschliman may have a point in disapproving of the fact that the contract permits only 10% of employees to be part-timers. Take one look at Star Tran's route and driver scheduling and tell me how much sense it makes to rely primarily on full-timers.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
August 8, 2006 at 1:48PM

Odd. On KOLN local news last night there was an item about how the numbers of star tran passengers has actually been increasing by a significant amount the past year, due to rising gasoline prices.

Eric Larson
August 8, 2006 at 2:24PM

I tried riding the bus once but it never showed… I guess I’m not smart enough to figure out the bus schedule.

I wish Star Tran would use a grid system instead of a curcuit system. Just have buses bouncing back and forth along the roads instead of making this grand loops through the city. It seems to me that cities with grid based systems buses are much easier to use.

Dave K
August 8, 2006 at 2:57PM

I counted on the bus once right after the March snow storm, and it never showed. 

I guess I missed where she blamed the drivers for everything.  I would consider her vote a vote against StarTran, not placing blame on the drivers.  Shouldn’t the Journal Star be praising Eschliman for her ‘independent’, ‘free-thinking’ ideas, which is exactly what they praise Hagel for even though they don’t always agree with what he says?

August 8, 2006 at 10:04PM

There were several times when I was riding the bus every day that it would never show. Luckily, I live close enough that I can walk if need be, but I was late to school several times because of it.

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