Did He Say South Beltway?

By: Mr. Wilson on June 1, 2009
Well holy cow. Senator Ben Nelson recently stuck it to the Department of Roads over "the lack of progress on the Lincoln South Beltway since the Nebraska Department of Roads assumed the lead on this project." Wait, did he just say "Lincoln South Beltway"? What is that? It sounds like a hugely important project that should be a major priority for the city of Lincoln. And yet, do you ever hear anybody* talk about the South Beltway? I certainly don't! We should really look into this "South Beltway" thing. It sounds like it might be something worth pursuing. * I mean besides my periodic rants and bouts of sarcasm on the topic.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Matthew Platte
June 1, 2009 at 4:01PM

Sarcasm?  You mean like, “yeah, let’s build more roads because that certainly eliminated the ‘traffic problem’ in Omaha.”

A better target for public spending would be a horizontal elevator.  But don’t you even think of smoking in the people mover!

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