
By: Mr. Wilson on October 18, 2005
I dethatched a small area of the yard last night. I'm too cheap to hire somebody or to rent a machine, so I did it by hand. I'm fairly sore today, but I enjoy the exercise. Afterward I threw on some grass seed. Hopefully the seed will take and next spring I'll have a much better lawn base. I still want to dethatch and overseed a bit more of the yard, but I don't know if that'll happen. I just don't have the time to do the labor. Plus, fall is passing by awfully quickly. The grass I planted in the back yard is coming along well. Well, some of it is. The area I planted is fairly small -- about 200 square feet. I manually dug up the whole area, worked the soil, and so on. About 2/3 of the area's grass is coming up just fine. But in the final 1/3, nuthin'. What's the difference? There's not a blade of grass in the area that is always in the shadow of our privacy fence. That area is fairly large right now due to the autumn sun. I planted shade-tolerant seed, so that shouldn't be the problem. Will that seed just take longer to take? Is the soil staying too wet since it's always in shadow? Anybody out there know their grass?


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