Deena Winter, You Make Me Laugh

By: Mr. Wilson on June 18, 2008
Dear Deena, I always look forward to reading your columns. They are almost always informative -- at least when City happenings give you something to inform us of. (Let's face it, Lincoln ain't Gotham.) What I really love are the little bits that make me laugh. Take today's column, for example. You could have played it straight. You could have said
The Lincoln Fire Department asked for $200,000 to replace a bad roof on Station 1. During the debate, Councilmember Robin Eschliman suggested an innovative solution, using equipment on sale for $3.99 at Menards. Ultimately, the Council approved the money, with Jon Camp casting the lone negative vote.
But that would have been boring. Instead, you gave us this gem:
However, contingency funds have been used for nonemergencies before. ... Heck, the council even spent $17,000 in contingency funds to build itself a private bathroom in 2000. And Camp voted “yes” on that expenditure.
Zing! I love it. I can just see Mr. Camp's crimson face as he scribbles a mustache on your photo while eating his morning All Bran. Anyway, Deena, keep up the good work. And please, keep the giggles coming.


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