Dear Mr. Acher

By: Mr. Wilson on December 8, 2009
Dear Mr. Acher, If your project is torpedoed by the City, I respectfully request that you instead bulldoze the parking lot and saturate the ground with RoundUp. Bonus points if you surround the entire block with ugly recycled fence sections and tacky "No Trespassing" signs. A community that can't find a way to make work a project such as the one you've proposed deserves nothing more than a giant, barren patch of dirt and mud. Respectfully, Brent C. Wilson P.S. If the project is approved by the City but it falls through on your end in such a way that the folks who oppose it can say "I told you so!", I reserve the right to flick a booger at you. It's only fair.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 8, 2009 at 2:54PM

The real reason the project isn’t meeting with approval is that the parking lot is used for tailgate parties during Husker games….

December 8, 2009 at 4:24PM

Why do ‘journalists’ say things like:

“And a trail of financial problems behind two members of the development team was the elephant in the room.”

and then not expand.  Are these rumors or facts?  If facts, then maybe they sway opinion.  Who wants a big project to be half completed and then we find out that there’s no money to complete it?  If they’re just rumors, why is this statement in the article?

Lousy work.

December 9, 2009 at 10:53PM

Who gives a crap if people tailgate there. Its private property.

December 9, 2009 at 11:34PM

Ummmm…you missed the point, I think. Because people tailgate there, they wouldn’t want to get rid of it by replacing the parking lot with something else. Everything Husker is Holy. I had presented my original post as a sort of elephant in the room, but ....never mind.

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