
By: Mr. Wilson on September 19, 2008
Mayor Beutler has dropped his housing stimulus plan -- which may have been illegal -- after realizing it wasn't going anywhere. To that I say: thank goodness. The proposal never sat right with me. It always felt like a pander to the local housing and real estate industries more than any sort of a boon to taxpayers. Now we can finally put our energy where it really belongs: getting furniture off porches.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 19, 2008 at 2:29PM

Good for Beutler. This was a load of crap.

As to the furniture on porches, I think you’re being harsh. Readers know that I am no fan of Robin E., but I wasn’t aware that she proposed the ordinance (or whatever it technically is) at the urging of Neighborhoods, Inc. (or whatever it techinally is named).

It seems that the organization knows more about what goes on in the city’s core neighborhoods than I do, and they wanted to see this brought to the council, so Robin did it. I think to blame her is kind of misleading.

Additionally, I found it interesting that many, many neighborhood leaders from the areas impacted showed up to speak in favor of this move, and there was ZERO opposition. No one spoke out against it.

I had trouble mustering faux outrage over this when it was first posted here, and now I certainly cannot muster up any. It seems like a lot of people that live in the parts of the city where this will have the most impact want this to pass. Perhaps it needs to be looked at in a more positive light.

Diane Kaye
September 19, 2008 at 2:49PM

Granted it’s for multiple offenses, but I think that jail time for having a couch on your porch is a bit severe.

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