Day 1

By: Mr. Wilson on March 19, 2009
The high school soccer season begins today and continues through mid-May. The Journal Star's Brent Wagner's City soccer capsules and state soccer ratings are online. I won't comment on any specific teams or individuals since I will be reffing many of their games this season. I will say that, on average, I suspect the level of play in Lincoln will be a bit higher this year than last year. We'll see. I'm also interested in the fact that there are several first-year coaches this year in Lincoln. Oftentimes a new coach is a good thing -- he or she brings in new energy and new techniques, for example. Having so much of that happening across the city is worth watching. I have five game assignments within 48 hours across today, tomorrow, and Saturday. Then I follow that up with two games on Tuesday. I should be plenty tired less than a week into the season. I am ready to go. I haven't done this much pre-season training in years. Plus, I'm just ready to hit the field again after four months of mostly soccer-free living. Will any of you be keeping an eye on the high school soccer season?


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April 5, 2005 at 5:15AM

That’s why you have a wife silly…

She can make you a nice meal and package it in a brown paper sack every morning.

And if you have a super duper awesome wife, she’ll leave little love notes for you to find with your meal.

April 5, 2005 at 5:15AM

That’s why you have a wife silly…

She can make you a nice meal and package it in a brown paper sack every morning.

And if you have a super duper awesome wife, she’ll leave little love notes for you to find with your meal.

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