Customer Service Update

By: Mr. Wilson on December 17, 2007
Remember how I told you about The Wilsons' Adventures in Customer Service last week? Here's a quick update from the JCPenney situation. We didn't end up returning our photos because The Missus wanted to be able to send out photos with our holiday [sic] cards. She asked for peoples' opinions of the photos. Some people said "Oh, those are great!", while others went with the somewhat more truthful "Those aren't so bad". I think they were just being polite. To add to the situation, The Missus had ordered more prints before we had seen the first batch. We didn't cancel the additional order because we figured maybe the new batch would be better. The new batch was ready on Friday, but The Missus delayed in picking them up. On Saturday we finally (!!!) got a call from the manager in regard to our phone calls from the previous weekend. The manager's excuse for the lengthy delay? He had just seen the note. That's some nice organization they've got going on over there. Anyway, The Missus told him about our problems with the previous batch and asked him to look at the new batch to see if they were any better. He told her, "No, these aren't very good at all. You can have them for free if you want to come get them. Otherwise I'll just throw them away." She is always looking for an excuse to take Robbie on the carousel at Gateway, so she went and got them. They're just as bad as the first batch. So there you have it, the conclusion to The Wilsons' adventures at the JCPenney photography studio. We won't be going back.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 18, 2007 at 12:35AM

That’s some real good managin’ there.


December 18, 2007 at 12:51AM

So they gave you the extra batch for free?  Did they offer to give you any credits/refunds?  Not exactly taking care of the customer are they.  We too have had questionable service there, after this, we’ll never go back either.

December 18, 2007 at 11:57AM

GREAT management.  I would be on the phone to the corporate office.  That’s just a load of garbage.  I had a recent experience with a recent purchase of a bicycle accessory that broke twice.  15 bucks each time.  Emailed them and never received ANY response.  Then, lo and behold, I received TWO replacements in the mail.  I returned these to the bike shop here as they, NOT the main company, had already given me replacements under warranty.

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