Congratulations, Edvin!

By: Mr. Wilson on January 20, 2010
This isn't Lincoln related, but I have to share it anyway because it's so darn exciting. I want to congratulate Omaha's Edvin Jurisevic for being named Nebraska's first ever FIFA International Referee. Edvin is one of only six such referees in the United States. This is a huge achievement for Edvin and for Nebraska's referee development program. Edvin has gradually worked his way up the ranks, beginning with youth and high school games here in Nebraska, and working his way up to MLS and various international assignments. As a FIFA International Referee Edvin will be able to referee any match in the world, including World Cup matches. I have had the pleasure of refereeing with Edvin several times, both as his assistant and with he as mine. It's a joy to see him achieve this honor. Edvin will be officially presented with his new badge at a ceremony in Omaha tomorrow evening. Congratulations, Edvin!


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