Choo Choo Hill: The Rest of the Story

By: Mr. Wilson on February 8, 2012
On Monday Mr. T posted a Where In Lincoln featuring sledding on Choo Choo Hill. That's what I've always called it anyway, thanks largely to my time on the Lincoln Southeast cross country team. I'm not sure if any other local schools called it the same thing. Regardless, do any of you know why we called it Choo Choo Hill? Long-time Lincolnites will remember that there used to be a train engine sitting at the top of the hill. Specifically, Chicago Burlington & Quincy locomotive #710. It sat there for a few decades, until it was removed in 1990, restored, and then placed where it still resides today: in the Haymarket. We have Mr. W.E. Haydon to thank for that engine. You can read about it here.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

February 8, 2012 at 3:15PM

“I think I can, I think I can”

Mr. Wilson
February 8, 2012 at 3:58PM

In my experience people tend to say something more along the lines of:

“I think I’m dead! I think I’m dead!”

Mr. T
February 8, 2012 at 4:36PM

Thanks for linking to that article JT, hadn’t seen that before.

I usually run right in that area. I’ll keep an eye out for ruins next time I am there.

The other really cool, very remote part of the park I like is way south off where Saltillo and North Jamaica meet.

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