Check the Mail

By: Mr. Wilson on January 8, 2009
If you are a property owner in Lancaster County, within the next week you should receive in the mail a preliminary property valuation. Emphasis on the word "preliminary". Final valuations will go out in June. I checked my information online to see where my property stands. Apparently my home's value has increased about 10% since I purchased it in March 2004. I'll have to check the real estate section of the newspaper to see how accurate that is. It doesn't sound unreasonable. It does seem weird that the value of the land my house sits on increased 14% between 2008 and 2009. Again, I'll have to do some research to determine if the new value is fair. What do you expect will happen with your property's value this year? What should happen?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

January 8, 2009 at 5:49PM

mine went up $13k since 2003 :(

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