Celebrate Lincoln

By: Mr. T on June 20, 2008
This summer's now annual Celebrate Lincoln festival starts today. I also noticed that today's lunch is also the only freebee (you get free food tickets upon purchasing the entrance fee at the door). Sounds like its worth checking out.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

June 20, 2008 at 7:22PM

Had lunch there today and it was a bargain. We spent about $8 or $9 each, including admission. Hell of a deal, considering everything that’s offered.

I went with the Chinese food - chicken with lemongrass and rice. Beef was also offered, so I sampled a little of each. I added one pork and one chicken egg roll. Great food!

The African food looked good but it was priced higher and the line was pretty slow.

June 20, 2008 at 9:51PM

I had a hot and spicy from the Parthenon and it was great.  Please tell me why in the world Famous Dave’s was there?!??  The $3 admission and tickets was a great deal.  I just bought $5 more and got my gyro and lemonade.  $8 is still high, but better than any other year.

Mr. Wilson
June 20, 2008 at 10:03PM

Dang, makes me annoyed that I’m in Illinois right now. Have some good grub for me!

Mr. T
June 21, 2008 at 1:42AM

I did the same thing. Bought another $5 worth of tickets and with the original $5 that came with the entrance fee, I went to one of the African places and got the jollof rice with chicken. It was very tasty, but I wish she had given me a bigger helping.

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