Candidates are Calling

By: Mr. Wilson on October 2, 2008
We have received two candidate phone calls so far this election season. One was a recorded message from Scott Kleeb. It wasn't especially memorable. The other call was from Susan Scott. Ms. Scott left a voice mail that was impressively personalized. She used my wife's name, for example, and she mentioned that she had started running marathons before my wife was born. If I could give Ms. Scott one piece of advice, it would be to slow down her rate of speech. Granted, she probably didn't want to get cut off by most voice mail systems' one minute limit. But if that's the case, say less. How many candidate calls have you received? Have any stood out?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Matthew Platte
October 2, 2008 at 2:04PM

She’s something of a fast talker in normal life too.

October 2, 2008 at 3:14PM

Kleeb campaigners have called my cell phone twice.  I am pretty sure it was because my friend works for the campaign.

We have no land line and never get calls from pollsters or political campaigns.

I am so lonely :(

October 2, 2008 at 3:14PM

I got a call from T. Boone Pickens urging me to let me congressman know that they should not vote for the bailout plan.  I thought that was interesting.

October 2, 2008 at 7:01PM

Say goodbye to the Ogallala aquifer if T. Boone gets his way. His private utility company hopes to pump 200,000 acre feet from the aquifer each year.

Read more <u>here</u> and <u>here.</u>

October 2, 2008 at 9:11PM

Sounds like SOMEONE got up on the anti-business side of the bed this morning. 😉

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