Cab-in Fever

By: Mr. Wilson on January 6, 2012
All you folks who've been itching for better taxi options in Lincoln are probably giddy over news that three Omaha-based cab companies have submitted applications to service Lincoln. Indeed this is good news, but let's not get too excited just yet. For one thing, there's exactly zero chance that four separate cab companies can be successful in Lincoln at the same time. The economics of it don't make sense. Don't be surprised if one or more of the newcomers doesn't even finish the application process. Entering a new market is a risk. Entering a new market at the exact same time as two other competitors is insane. Methinks we're going to witness a game of chicken. Will anybody blink? Or will all three new companies be stubborn and go ahead and start serving Lincoln, only for one or more of them to bow out later? Also remember that Lincoln's service provider can protest the applications, dragging them into a lengthy legal process. That's what happened back in 2006 when OMALiNK tried to enter the Lincoln market. At that time, would-be competitors used a number of lame arguments for keeping OMALiNK out. They all boil down to simple protectionism: existing companies want the Public Service Commission to protect them at the expense of newcomers and, arguably, consumers. For as many complaints as there are about cab service in Lincoln, it boggles my mind that the current provider, Servant, hasn't increased service availability. There are two possibilities. One is that Servant is run by incompetent baboons who wouldn't recognize an opportunity to grow their business if it stared them in the face. The other is that the opportunity for expansion in Lincoln isn't as lucrative as a group of intoxicated frat boys would like to believe. As with most things I suspect the truth lies somewhere between those two extremes. A year from now we'll have a better feel for the answer.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Matthew Platte
January 6, 2012 at 4:10PM

Remind me the problem that a PSC-enforced monopoly solves.

January 6, 2012 at 5:26PM

This is really long overdue. Notice the difference in rates! If we can get cab pick up times to average 20 minutes I bet we cut drinking and driving in Lincoln by 40%. Also, the companies applying for license in Lincoln are sister companies, not sure how that effects their ability to operate at the same time.

richie r.
January 6, 2012 at 8:43PM

Getting off-topic here, but does anybody know if that rickshaw bicycle tip-only service still operates…Pedocab or whatever?  I realize it only served the entertainment district, but I was just curious how that experiment faired (pun intended) and whether it would get revived if when the arena opens. 
Handsome cabs would be cool, too.  But it seems unlikely that the Lincoln market would financially support that nor would it tolerate non-motorized vehicles taking up an ENTIRE lane, not to mention the literal one-horse-town imagery.

Mr. Wilson
January 6, 2012 at 10:19PM

To the best of my knowledge there are no currently operating pedicabs in Lincoln. I’ll be surprised if none start up after the arena opens.

Fun fact: I semi-seriously pondered starting a pedicab business several years ago. I thought it would be a fun way to get exercise and to make a little cash in the evenings.

January 7, 2012 at 12:01AM

I about puked when I saw the first article in the UrinalStar that touted the costs to take a cab in this town. It would cost about $68 to get to my house, in Lincoln, from the airport. Are you freakin’ kidding me? Yes, a competitor of some type is needed just to bring the costs in line.

I went to a resort in Scottsdale, AZ a few years ago and was mortified that it would cost $50 to get there from the airport (each way). However, it was maybe a 30-40 minute trip and quite a distance. No way should a trip in the LNK cost anywhere near that.

The folks from Omaha quoted in the paper seem to have a good handle on things, at a more competitive price.

Based on the articles, yes, I do think the current company in Lincoln is run by baboons.

Also, I hope that no one at the LJS breaks an arm patting themselves on the back for their righteousness in getting more cab company bids in our fair city.

I think that about covers all my thoughts. 😊

Errandbug Restaurant Delivery
January 7, 2012 at 12:59AM

Holy cow…This is basically government sponsored monopoly.  Current company has the RIGHT to protest competition entering the market.  This is like saying Taco Bell or Dleons would have the RIGHT to protest another mexican place in town can not open due to them selling mexican food already.  In the LJS the owner of the Lincoln Cab company was quoted as saying others in the market would hurt his business.  Well duh, that is how competition works.  If you have the monopoly…well maybe you should leverage that better, ie, provide EXCELLENT service so there is never reasons for folks to complain.  Once folks start to complain…well you may just loose the privledge to be the only company in town.  This law to protest competition to your business in America?  Really?  Does not sound like capitalism to me in any way.  In my book, everyone who has a car with seat belts and insurance has the RIGHT to be a designated driver and the RIGHT to charge someone to ride in HIS car that he paid for and that you may just throw up in.  It is called Capitalism and it is what made American what it is.  Government get out of the market.  PS, as tax payers we are PAYING for a government salary for a group that RESTRICTS access to competition.  So we as residents of Nebraska are actually PAYING a government group to keep prices in Lincoln cabs high!

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