Boot It Up

By: Mr. Wilson on February 10, 2012
I'm not the parking scofflaw that my wife is -- I have 1 or 2 tickets to my name, she has several plus a tow -- so I'm presumably not the target of the proposal to bring parking boots to Lincoln. Instead, they're focused on major violators, those with several outstanding, unpaid tickets. Considering how obnoxious it can be to deal with the City's towing company, putting up with a boot seems like a veritable tiptoe through the tulips. The current estimate is that the boots would be used 400-450 times per year. Think about that. There are so many people not paying their parking tickets that the boots could be applied more than once per day. I probably shouldn't be surprised, but I am. That seems like a lot to me. Are there any downsides to putting boots on cars? There's the inconvenience, of course. But it's significantly less inconvenience than dealing with a towed car so that doesn't feel like a viable complaint. Anything else?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Errandbug Restaurant Delivery
February 10, 2012 at 2:45PM

I see the boots are an inconvenience to those who do follow the law, ie, while your car has the boot on it, I can not park where your car is.

How about the city just make it mandatory that you pay all your parking tickets before you can get your car back from the towing company?  That seems common sense.  Don’t have to spend tax payer money on new equipment. 

Sometimes the solutions are just simpler than we try to make them.  Would be pretty simple adjustment for towing companys & city to make.

February 12, 2012 at 4:39PM

I’m seeing so many boots on cars.. I’m glad that hasn’t happened to me. I couldn’t imagine coming out to a timberland on my wheel…

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