Blow Me Down

By: Mr. Wilson on October 1, 2007
How 'bout that wind over the weekend, and the rapid temperature change yesterday afternoon? That was fun, wasn't it? Ugh. Often soccer matches are pretty much impossible in that kind of weather, but I was proud of the kids in my two matches yesterday for mostly ignoring the wind. The parents on the sideline sure weren't enjoying themselves. I see it's 47 degrees right now, and the calendar flipped to October today. I'm not ready for October.


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October 1, 2007 at 3:13PM

yeah that was strange.  heading home from work about 6PM last night it was not very nice out.  I had to stand up and mash the pedals to get anywhere.  It was slightly drizzling and the clouds were moving really fast.

Kind of wished I had my jacket.  This morning was much better.

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