Big Red Arena

By: Mr. Wilson on September 4, 2008
Last night's public open house at Memorial Stadium marked the first time (I think) that UNL and City officials have confirmed that the Huskers will play at the Haymarket arena. Well, ok, they didn't technically confirm it. But they came as close as they're going to come without all the contracts being signed. The next step will be waiting for more details to be released. How will alcohol availability be handled? How much flexibility will each of the parties have in scheduling events? Who will control the box seats? And so on.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 4, 2008 at 6:59PM

The only way this arena was going to get built was if UNL was involved.  Why would a city build an arena and keep the cities biggest tenant out of it?

The big big question is alcohol going to be made available.  I’ve said from the very beginning that Creighton’s big draw is as much the product on the court as the product being served at the concession stands.  Creighton would not be drawing 10k against directional state university technical college of nursing if they didn’t serve beer. 

IMO, it may be an evil doctor Tom, but it is a necessary evil.  Money will FLOW in with alcohol sales.  Attendance will have an immediate impact, game atmosphere will be increased and it would give Doc what he wanted, people at the game to show the product off.

The practice facility is an absolute must.  Nebraska can’t become a top notch basketball program without one.

The one problem I have is the overall location.  Quarters are going to be pretty cramped down there.  Cutting down the traffic there will be key.  Its already a mess to try and park at the BDSC, if we’re going to build a new arena…lets not make the same mistake.

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