Beutler’s Budget Just Blew Up

By: Mr. Wilson on July 10, 2008
Holy flippity heck. Mayor Beutler's budget just took a pounding from an unexpected source: LES wants to jack up rates by an astounding 12% beginning in September. That's an average of $9 per month for the average residential customer. Beutler's budget only asked Lincolnites to chip in an extra fifteen bucks per year. This means war. No really. Beutler is steamed that LES sprung this on him without so much as a breath of warning. It's an appalling move by LES, and it's so boneheaded I can hardly believe they had the chutzpah to try it. Whatever goodwill LES had built up in Lincoln with their customers/owners and with local government may have just gone out the window. I'm curious what could possibly justify LES requesting a 12% rate increase. Is that really the best they could do? Details will emerge in the coming days, I'm sure. Hopefully local media will have some answers for us soon. UPDATE: Thanks to foxspit for providing a link to the Mayor's statement. It includes this surprising line:
Therefore, in light of this notification from LES, I will urge the City Council to work with me in developing a plan to withdraw the proposed one-penny property tax revenue increase and instead, utilize one-time funds to save those programs.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 10, 2008 at 8:51PM

“The impact of this proposed increase to our City budget, to the individual family budget and to the budgets of all our businesses will be painful.

I simply cannot in good conscience quietly accept an increase of that magnitude in light of today’s economy.”

July 10, 2008 at 8:56PM

Beutler is steamed! He’s withdrawing his property tax increase.

“Second, I can no longer support the proposed property tax increase. Government cannot operate in isolation from the other financial pressures faced by Lincoln families. The knowledge that other governmental entities are increasing their budgets and that LES is seeking an additional $108 per household completely changes how I would have approached this year’s budget process. I would not have asked for the $15 annual revenue increase had I been informed of the LES plan or had been notified that this was even a possibility in the near future. Unfortunately, LES did not provide this information to me until after I submitted my budget to the Council and to the public. I am deeply disappointed in that lack of communication.”

Mr. Wilson
July 10, 2008 at 8:59PM

Thanks, foxspit. I added the link to the entry.

Mr. T
July 10, 2008 at 9:26PM

Indeed. I have a feeling many Lincolnites are waiting to hear more from LES on what is responsible for the hike.

July 11, 2008 at 1:50AM

They’ll blame it on the squirrels. They *always* blame it on the squirrels.

Maybe LES is just tired of pointing out how we pay some of the lowest electric prices of anyone in the country.

I notice the big cheese from LES lives in Irongate. Must be nice!

This is worse than the annual prison-raping we get from TimeWarner Cable. And, for the record, I do apologize to any inmates that are offended by me comparing them to TWC employees.

Dave K
July 11, 2008 at 3:15AM

Beutler should be thanking LES, not mad at them. His $15 tax increase is nothing compared to LES’ $108.  But thanks, Chris, for withdrawing yours right away as if you’re some kind of hero.

Fletch, I’ve noticed that LES hasn’t used the ‘among the lowest rates in the country’ line for quite a while.  Maybe that’s because the 50 increases they got passed because of that line made the rates not among the cheapest.

This is probably the main reason why government-run ‘businesses’ are so disastrous.

July 11, 2008 at 3:32AM

Hi Dave.

Please elaborate on your claim that “government-run ‘businesses’ are so disastrous.”

I’m not sure why it bothers you guys so much that Nebraska has some of the lowest rates in the country, but according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s latest 2008 YTD report, it’s still true.

Mr. T
July 11, 2008 at 1:19PM

That is indeed true as we are the only total public power state. It has has been a very good thing for the state.

Mr. Wilson
July 11, 2008 at 1:20PM

Actually, Dave K, LES stubbornly refuses to be a poster child for privatization advocates. LES still has some of the lowest rates in the country. In fact, despite recent rate increases, LES ranked better in 2008 [PDF] than in 2007.

July 11, 2008 at 1:21PM

I doth not protest too much.

I discuss/compare my energy bills with family and friends in Colorado, Kansas and Texas occasionally. We win hands down.

Admittedly, we LOSE hands down when we compare property taxes and vehicle licensing, but that’s another rant for another day.

You know what - forget all that. Now I’m mad, too.


July 11, 2008 at 1:53PM

I agree our rates are nothing to complain about if you look at other states. However… look at the rate of increases in the last 2-3 years versus the previous 1-2 decades. There used to be long waits in between rate hikes, and they were small hikes. Lately, it’s been pretty frequent. I’m telling you, it’s the squirrels.

July 14, 2008 at 6:49PM

12% is nothing to what will certainly follow.  Google “electric rate hikes” and you’ll find that they are being requested all over the country:

“Electric utility seeks 21.7 percent rate hike”  (Rhode Island)

“The utility’s planned 16% hike draws outcry from L.A. customers”. (Los Angeles)

“Public Service Co. of Oklahoma filed an application Friday with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission asking for a $132.6 million increase in base, or nonfuel, rates. If the hike is approved, residential customers would see an $11 or $12 jump in their monthly electric bills, PSO said. ” (Oklahoma)

“Indiana Michigan Power could be seeking a rate increase for its customers in Michigan sometime soon. The utility is asking state regulators in Indiana to allow an electric rate hike of around 14 percent across the board”  (Indiana)

“Mary Wells wonders if a proposed 14 percent electricity rate increase will be the proverbial straw breaking her Rocky Mount dry cleaning business.”  (North Carolina)

“The Summer forecast from Con Edison is calling for another rate hike as much as 25-percent.

“The hike is due to rising fuel costs that continue to drive up electricity prices and we urge customers to conserve,” Con Ed spokesperson Alfonzo Quiroz told 1010 WINS.”  (New York)

Why?  Since July of last year, while we’ve witnessed a 25-30% increase in gasoline prices, bituminous coal has risen an amazing 172%.  Much American coal is going to India and China and prices are going through the roof.

LES’s timing was poor, but I do not doubt the need for an increase.

Use 15% less, and it won’t hurt 😊

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