Beutler, Svoboda, Yant Do a Q&A

By: Mr. Wilson on January 17, 2007
The three candidates for mayor -- Democrat Chris Beutler, Republican Ken Svoboda, and Independent Roger Yant -- stood before the Lincoln Independent Business Association for a question and answer session yesterday. One thing is becoming increasingly clear: the candidates are veritable carbon copies of one another on many of the issues. That demonstrates just how dissatisfied Lincolnites are with Lincoln's current direction, and how united they are in searching for somebody who can offer things like "bold vision" and "strong leadership". It also demonstrates that if you like Lincoln's current direction, or if you support an alternate proposal for the community's future, you're out of luck. According to Deena Winter, Ken Svoboda came out on top as the strongest speaker; Chris Beutler knows the issues but is long-winded; and Roger Yant came across as the least polished. The other major differences among the candidates were ... uhh, well, that's pretty much it. Looks like Lincolnites may end up voting based primarily on the candidates' peepees -- party and personality -- unless real policy differences emerge between now and voting day. As it stands right now, here is my simplified scorecard: Pros:
  1. Beutler: Outsider with experience; has put proposals on the table; decent speaker.
  2. Svoboda: Republican taking on an unpopular Democrat; good presence; experienced in City issues.
  3. Yant: Outsider; long history of trying to improve city.
  1. Beutler: Long-winded (eek, John Kerry?); limited experience at City level.
  2. Svoboda: Member of City Council that's often seen as part of the problem.
  3. Yant: Inexperienced; unpolished.


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January 17, 2007 at 3:01PM

Why is command of the issues and trying to share that understanding with the electorate a con? It’s frequently impossible to grasp the nuances of an issue within the duration of a soundbite.

Soundbite politics lead to soundbite policies. (Quote me on that.)

Mr. Wilson
January 17, 2007 at 3:15PM

I think you’ll find if you look again that nowhere do I list “command of the issues and trying to share that understanding with the electorate” as a con, nor do I promote “soundbite politics”. I really have no idea why you would suggest such a thing.

If you’re bothered that I called Beutler “long-winded”, it came from Deena Winter‘s assessment of his showing yesterday:

[Beutler] tends to talk at length but doesn’t always tackle the question head on.

January 17, 2007 at 3:55PM

I think we have a misunderstanding, Mr. Wilson. I didn’t intend to put words in your mouth. The words are my own further interpretation of the article, borrowing from your pro vs. con form.

I am frustrated with the idea that if a candidate can’t or won’t boil down ideas to a ten-second soundbite, it’s a weakness.

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