Better Late Than Never

By: Steve on March 6, 2008
On the positive side, negotiations over the redevelopment project at 14th and Q are ongoing. Unfortunately, it appears they'll keep on going for many more months. That means Lincoln's shiny new high-rise building(s) probably won't see any construction until 2010. Monte Froehlich of Lincoln Synergy Group insists "Plan A" is still in the works, meaning an 18-story building on the southwest corner, and a 15-story building on the northwest corner. The holdups appear to be parking and whatever will line the future plaza at 13th and P. Notably, it appears the City is a primary cause of the slowdown. Insert mock astonished gasp here. In the mean time, we may as well enjoy our giant slab of blacktop. That gets me thinking: we should hold a movie night in the parking lot in honor of the site's former tenant. Hmm...


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