Arenas and Baseball Stadiums

By: Mr. Wilson on June 4, 2008
Have you been paying attention to Omaha's effort to build a new baseball stadium to replace Rosenblatt? It makes for an interesting contrast with Lincoln's push to build a new arena. Both efforts are highly controversial. They share several similarities, in fact. And yet the Omaha stadium is all but a done deal, while Lincoln's arena still has many, many hurdles to overcome. Why the stark difference in timeline? It's simply a matter of approach. Omaha used a "shove it down the taxpayers' throat and get it done yesterday" approach, while Lincoln is opting for the much slower "let the voters decide, but before that, spend enough tax dollars on the project that voters feel like it's inevitable" approach. I have only just begun comparing and contrasting the two projects, so I will probably have more observations in the future. What similarities and differences do you see in the two projects? Will either project be helped or hindered by its supporters' approach?


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