Are Public Schools the Best Schools?

By: Mr. Wilson on April 15, 2008
My father-in-law has built a successful career as a professor with an expertise in early childhood literacy. He has written and edited books, authored dozens of papers, presented at conferences around the world, and so on. The guy knows his stuff. Although I don't always agree with his conclusions (or the routes he takes to get there), I can't deny the guy knows America's education system -- especially early childhood and elementary education -- as well as anybody. In many ways he has helped shape it. The Missus and Robbie flew out to visit her parents this past weekend. Apparently "Grandpa Rick" really bonded well with Robbie. At one point while those two were playing, The Missus asked her father a question. "Do you think public schools do a good job educating kids?" He stopped to choose his words before answering. "I think a good teacher in a good public school provides as good an education as you can find anywhere," he began. "However, there are a lot of mediocre teachers, and mediocre schools, and mediocre administrators out there. There are a lot of ways for kids to get less of an education than they need and deserve." He then added, "If I were a parent deciding where to send my child to school, and if I had the resources, I would consider home schooling or a private school." When The Missus told me this upon her return, I couldn't help but be surprised. My father-in-law has never been the private school type. He has always struck me as a staunch NEA backer, an ardent proponent of strong public schools. I've always thought that in his eyes, home schoolers are just wacky right-wing Christians, and private schoolers are either snooty rich folks or ... well, wacky right-wing Christians. But if I'm not mistaken, he almost suggested we go that route with Robbie. We don't exactly have the resources right now to keep Robbie out of public school, but who knows where we will stand in a few years when he is ready for kindergarten. Will we send him four blocks down the street to Zemann? I'm pretty sure we will. But when a pro all but says "You might want to think twice about that", you can't help but take some time to do just that.


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April 16, 2008 at 3:17PM

I have nothing to do with LPS, and I admittedly moan at times about their tax charge, but I’ve been quite satisfied with the way they’ve taught my 2 daughters.  (One now in college and the other in high school.)

I can’t say a thing about area private schools because I know so little. If I had the resources “back then” I’d probably still go with LPS. 

Just my 2 cents.

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