Apple News

By: Mr. Wilson on September 15, 2008
I'm not even an apple fan, but for some reason I've had apples on my mind lately. For example, KOLN's report on the region's bumper crop of apples got me wondering about the best places to buy apples. Which local growers typically have the best crops? Do any local orchards offer a good picking and eating experience? I have also seen commercials recently for Nebraska City's Applejack Festival, coming up this weekend. Is anybody headed down the road for those events? And last, my dad reported that he almost accidentally spent $14 for a relatively small bag of apples the other day at Hy-Vee. Apparently the bag he picked up was priced at $4 per pound. Ouch! He opted to skip the apples that day.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 15, 2008 at 4:25PM

We hit the apple fest 2 years ago.  They have quite a set up there with trails, a movie area, gift shop.  We missed the parade and parking was a royal pain.  Ended up picking up some cider and apple beer.

Not sure if good deals are to be had though.

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