Another Super Crazy Hagel Rumor

By: Mr. T on July 13, 2008
image Chuck Hagel continues to provide stomach ulcers to members of the hard right with the recent news that he is accompanying Obama to Iraq. Yet there is even more internets rumor-mongering. From The Washington Note - a respectable foreign policy and international affairs blog I follow from time to time:
Senator Chuck Hagel is on the verge of endorsing Barack Obama for President.
Does anyone think this is possible? That would be more than a slap in the face to Chuck's friend John. It would be like an LAPD-style stomp-down. Photo above also from The Washington Note.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 13, 2008 at 10:16PM

Yup, I think both of those will happen. I can’t wait.

July 13, 2008 at 11:51PM


book it

Mrs. CU
July 14, 2008 at 4:07PM

I’m glad to see a politician endorse a condidate, not a political party’s candidate.
Back in the “dark ages” of the 70’s my high school political science teacher told his students on the first day of class, “Don’t ever vote political party, vote for the best person who will fill the political office.”  To this day I remember his statement and I vote for the person I feel will do the best job and I don’t care which party he/she is.
This country/state/city leaders need to work for the common good of the country/state/city/people and the people of the country/state/city need to forget their party affilliations and vote for the BEST person for each leadership position.
I applaud all politicians who are not afraid to cross party lines to do what they feel is best for the people they represent.

Late O' Day
July 15, 2008 at 7:41AM

Obama will not choose Hagel as VP; he will choose him as Secretary of Defense.

Although Hagel has a lot of personal integrity and independent common sense, his voting record is still one of the most conservative in Congress.  Obama is already alienating his base by his predictable “run to the center” (exemplified by his idiotic FISA vote).

Indeed, Hagel’s staunch support of the conservative agenda (save Iraq) makes one wonder why all the so-called Nebraska conservatives expend so much energy vilifying him.  One is forced to conclude that they have allowed shallow pundits and blowhards to redefine “conservativism” for them. 

I think Hagel would be a wonderful choice for Secretary of Defense and would restore some honor to that post.

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