An Update on Mr. Wilson

By: Mr. Wilson on December 7, 2009
Hi folks. I apologize that the posting frequency has dipped around here. I'm approaching an important deadline with work and spare time is sparse. I've spent far more hours than I like to admit in this basement man-cave of mine. So what's the big project? I am writing something called Calendar and, not coincidentally, it's a calendar module for ExpressionEngine. Believe it or not, despite all the years ExpressionEngine has been around nobody has written a dedicated calendar module yet. I have thought about this project for years, even starting it and making good progress a couple times. But I never had the time or resources to finish it. Then Mitchell Kimbrough and Paul Burdick from Solspace came along and said "If you build it, we will pay", or something like that. So I got to work. That was around October 1st. At that point Calendar became important, but it still wasn't my top priority. It was just another project, until a couple weeks later. At that point Calendar received escalated priority thanks to ... well, I can't say why, but Calendar became top dog for me. It also received an internal due date of December 14. And thus began a series of late nights. Calendar is currently in what I would describe as "alpha" status. By next Monday it should be in an advanced beta stage -- not finished, but close. If all goes well the public release will come relatively soon after that. And that's what I'm up to. I know most of you aren't interested in the nuts and bolts, but I will probably show off the final product one of these days. Now ... back to the cave!


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 7, 2009 at 4:09PM

Do tell, when you get the time. You have some closet, and not so closet techies on here.

December 7, 2009 at 4:56PM

Yes, by all means, come out of the closet!

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