All Alone in This World

By: Mr. Wilson on July 17, 2007
Less than a day old and already no parents. That's no good. Having done some research on related topics, it pains me to see parents -- well, mostly mothers; the dads usually aren't in the picture by this point -- make these sorts of decisions in light of all of the other options available to them. I am thankful that this mother chose to deliver, and to do so at a hospital. But then she just left, and since Nebraska doesn't have any sort of safe haven law, that puts her and her child in an awkward position. In particular, it makes her a criminal rather than a woman who made a responsible choice. And it makes her child a ward of the state rather than an infant with a loving family ready to welcome it to the world with open arms. If you know somebody who might one day find herself in a similar position, I hope you help her make a better choice.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 17, 2007 at 12:47PM

That is truly sad. Also sad to read that Tracy DuPont lost her cancer battle after all this time (expected, but sad nonetheless). Back to the topic at hand, why was I thinking that there was some sort of safe haven issue like dropping babies off at the fire station?

I feel terrible for this baby, but hopefully there is a giving and loving couple looking to adopt and they will be made for each other.

Dave K
July 17, 2007 at 8:13PM

Her brother was arrested for doing something a few years ago too.  I can’t remember what it was.  A great family they have there.

July 18, 2007 at 3:43AM

I just heard on the news tonight that we are one of only three states without a Safe Haven law. That pisses me off. The legislature needs to remedy that in the next session.

July 18, 2007 at 9:14PM

she was doomed from the beginning… society frowns upon unwed mothers and abortion, and the unending questions and judgements from well intentioned folks about adoption plans can weigh heavy on a person.

I’m glad she left her child in a safe, clean hospital instead of a dumpster or alley.

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