AEDs Approved for High Schools

By: Mr. Wilson on March 14, 2007
The School Board voted yesterday to place automatic external defibrillators in Lincoln's high schools. I don't disagree with the decision, but I wonder how they will decide where to put them so that they are always accessible, thus fending off potential liability issues. I'm sitting here thinking about the layout of Lincoln Southeast, for example, and I can't think of any place you could put an AED that would always be accessible. Can you imagine being on the wrong side of a security gate in a medical emergency, the AED within spitting distance but unreachable?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

March 14, 2007 at 1:20PM

we have them in 3 or 4 different places here at the capitol.

When I went to SCC they had one by the gym.  Seemed like a good place for it.

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