A Trip to Roca

By: Mr. Wilson on October 6, 2008
The Missus, Robbie, my sister's family, and my mother all went to Roca Berry Farm yesterday to take part in the various festivities that go on out there this time of year. It sounds like they had a great time. The thing I like about Roca is that they actually grow their pumpkins on site. The experience of selecting a pumpkin feels authentic. I contrast that with the place on North 84th Street across from the Lancaster Events Center -- I never remember the name of that place -- where there are piles of pumpkins sitting here and there. Couldn't they at least scatter them a little bit? The big downside to going out to Roca is the cost. It's $7 per person on weekends, and that doesn't include all the stuff you will want / have to buy once you're in the door. Yikes. If your goal is to buy a pumpkin or two, just go to the grocery store. If you want a couple hours worth of activities, then the cost may not seem so bad. To compare, admission to Vala's Pumpkin Patch in Gretna costs $12 per person. Do any of you have a pumpkin patch of choice?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 7, 2008 at 3:42PM

The place on 84th St used to be a great place to go (I can never remember their name either). They planted the pumpkins right there, so you could walk through the fields and pick one out. Now, with the piles of pumpkins, it’s just not the same. They also used to have Hexy the Witch - I’m not sure she’s still around. She was a hoot, with her feltboard and stories. The caramel apples were good too.

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