A School Security Proposal

By: Mr. Wilson on January 8, 2007
It's awfully annoying to me as a taxpayer to see a regular stream of articles describing school break-ins and the items stolen each time. I wonder how much it would cost to set up a small network of webcams at each school that broadcast live video, 24/7. Then anybody, anywhere could check in on the schools and report trouble as appropriate. With some basic equipment and a little programming skill, a security system could be assembled on the cheap. Or we could unleash some very angry, underfed dogs in the hallways of the schools every night and weekend.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

January 8, 2007 at 4:49PM

Jeez, between this and the BB gun post… is it “Mr. Wilson advocates hurting children” Day?  Hehe.

January 8, 2007 at 5:03PM

You could call it pedophile tv… but I like the dogs idea.

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