A Sappy Story the LJS Missed

By: Mr. Wilson on September 13, 2007
I can hardly believe it. Did the LJS really miss this story about Husker fans buying up Wake Forest season tickets and donating them to soldiers at the Womack Army Medical Center? If they ran a story about it, I missed it. The gist is this: Husker fans buy up Wake Forest season tickets just to be able to go to the Husker game. But what to do with the tickets for the rest of the season? Well, why not give them to some injured soldiers? Or maybe the local Big Brothers-Big Sisters program? At last count at least 200 tickets had been donated. Not bad, folks. Not bad at all.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

West A Dad
September 13, 2007 at 5:25PM

Yep, not bad.  On a side note, I heard that Nevada’s Head Coach wasn’t happy about Nebraska fans applauding his team as they left the field.  Go figure.

September 13, 2007 at 7:18PM

The LJS didn’t pick it up because their reporter covering the sappy beat, Colleen Kenney, on leave. (Zing!)

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