A Rare Taste of Spam

By: Mr. Wilson on March 11, 2008
Tonight when I fired up my laptop a very unusual message awaited me in my e-mail inbox. The subject: VAlxiUM. I was in shock. I didn't realize until that moment that it had been months since any spam had made its way all the way to my inbox. You read that right. I just checked; I hadn't had a true spam message in my inbox in all of 2008. Nothing makes you realize how good anti-spam measures have become like the arrival of a rare piece of spam. Random fact: Spam (the tasty [?!] kind) is made just up the road from us in Fremont.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

March 11, 2008 at 3:19AM

apparently you gmail?

March 11, 2008 at 12:48PM

How sad that you don’t receive more spam! How will you know where to turn if you need an, um, enlargement? Or a fine replica watch? How can you live without hot stock tips delivered with precision to your inbox? I feel bad for you. I can start sharing some of my spam if you’d like. I’ll just start forwarding it to you…

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