A New Local Food Blog

By: Mr. Wilson on March 17, 2008
Wisco dropped me a note to let me know that he has started up a new local restaurant review blog. The food lovers among you -- read, pretty much all of you -- will probably want to keep an eye on it. I have added DINK Restaurant Review to the blogroll rotation on the right for your easy access.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

March 17, 2008 at 5:53PM

Thanks Mr. Wilson
We just got it going yesterday so if anyone has any suggestions or comments let us know.

Mrs. Wisco and me are relatively new to Lincoln and one of the hardest adjustments for us was finding good restaurants. we got lots of “bad” advice at first but then stumbled on some Great reviews of some hidden gems on The Lincolnite and Eatin’ in Lincoln.

We hope we can pass it forward and let more people know about all the outstanding dining options in and around Lincoln.

Thanks again,

Mrs. Wisco
March 17, 2008 at 8:20PM

Mr. Wisco called me today and said that we’re on the blogroll. Thanks! We’ve found the Lincolnite blog to be a good source of Lincoln information, so I hope we can give something back. Blogging is a new adventure for the two of us.

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