A Child Welfare Horror Story

By: Mr. Wilson on September 27, 2011
In the past I've been critical of critics of Nebraska's rate of removing children from their parents. I hear lots of grumbling about how Nebraska steals kids from their capable and loving parents, but very few of those grumbles are actually accompanied by solid evidence of the State overstepping its bounds. Where are all these "horror stories" that folks fret about? Well, here's one. You'll want to go read the article for yourself, but the short version is that a perfectly competent father is experiencing delays in getting custody of his daughter, who was removed from the custody of her mother. Considering how adamantly Nebraska insists that "Families Matter", you'd think that dear old dad would receive the red carpet treatment. Not so. Instead, he's wrapped up in red tape. There are some complications in the case. Dad lives out of state. Daughter is 12 and, as is typical of 12 year old girls, she doesn't want to leave her friends and she insists that she can save mom if only she's given enough time. Background checks are pending. Nevertheless, the State must do a better job with this sort of case. Dad should be ushered through the process as smoothly as possible. If there are delays, they should be minimized. Every step should be communicated clearly and effectively to all the parties. I hope the Journal Star follows up on this case. I want to know how it ends up.


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