Street Names for Sale

By: Mr. Wilson on December 20, 2006
I don't know about you, but I am strongly against auctioning off street names to the highest bidder. I realize we're having a bit of a budget problem these days, but is that worth sticking our children with street names like Best Buy Boulevard, Dr. John's Drive, and Super Saver Street? And what if special interest groups get into the game? As soon as one group gets its street, you just know all sorts of unsavory groups will start showing up. Sure, I'm probably exaggerating a bit. But to me, the idea has the distinct and overwhelming odor of trouble.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 21, 2006 at 3:11AM

I was half expecting/half hoping that “unsavory groups” would link to me or BoK, cuz I bet either of us could come up with some pretty <strike>rude</strike> awesome street names.

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