Dark and Moist

By: Mr. Wilson on April 25, 2007
Normally I reserve those adjectives for chocolate cake, but lately they are very appropriate for the weather we've been having. I certainly welcome the rain, but the darkness gets a little old. Did everybody remember to clear out their gutters before the spring rains?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

April 25, 2007 at 2:49PM

We actually did clean out the gutters for once (of course, by “we,” I mean “my husband”).

And for once we didn’t have a leak in the living room. Go figure.

April 25, 2007 at 5:08PM

rain never used to bother me.  heck we get lots of sun around these parts.  I am fine with it cept for two things.

1. it makes swimming pools really cold.
2. now that I am an avid biker it makes the dirt trails un ridable.

Flowers are purdy though 😊

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