Lincoln’s Bridges Are Falling Down

By: Mr. Wilson on January 7, 2011
What is it with Lincoln's bridges? Bridges and their problems have been all over the news these past several years: the O Street viaduct was replaced; a bridge on Holdrege was closed to vehicle traffic due to safety concerns; bridges in Wilderness Park have collapsed or been closed in fear of collapse. And now even brand new bridges in Antelope Valley are getting into the act. It's like Lincoln's own little Big Dig. Sheesh! Keep an eye on those Antelope Valley bridges. It doesn't sound at this point like the problems are major, but somebody will need to be held accountable for the failures. How City officials handle the determination of accountability is important. Very important, in fact. Nobody wants this to turn into another firetruck fiasco.

For Those Who Enjoy Blisters and Sweat

By: Mr. Wilson on January 5, 2011
It's really quite insane how popular the Lincoln Marathon has become over the years. This year the race has a whopping 10,000 runner limit, with 8,000 slots available for half-marathoners. For comparison, two years ago there were 6,500 runners. That's some pretty impressive growth. Let's put 8,000 half-marathon runners in perspective. If you were to line up all 8,000 runners along the 13.1 mile half-marathon course, you would have one runner every 8.6 feet; add in the 2,000 marathoners and they'd be spaced every 6.9 feet. That's a lot of people. Drivers take note: Marathon organizers are instituting a new starting procedure this year. To help decrease congestion along certain parts of the course, runners will be "funneled" at the start. That means the start process will take longer, which means runners will be more spread out, which means more waiting time as you drive around town. But you aren't really silly enough to drive across the route on that Sunday morning, are you? The best way to get around the affected part of town on the morning of the Marathon is by bicycle. Are any of you going to participate in the Lincoln Marathon or Half-Marathon?

Bird on a Plate

By: Mr. Wilson on January 4, 2011
Nebraska's new license plates are going to be showing up on the roads throughout 2011. Personally I think the design is fine. Not great, just ... fine. Whether you like it or not, just remember how awful it could have been. Besides, we only have to wait until 2017 for the next batch!

(Almost) One Year on the New Diet

By: Mr. Wilson on January 3, 2011
No doubt some of you are planning some lifestyle changes as part of a New Year Resolution. Or perhaps you're making some changes "just because". Whatever the case, here's a quick description of a change I made in 2010. Back on January 17, 2010, I began a new diet. I don't mean a "diet" in the "weight loss scheme" sense of the word. Rather, I upended my whole approach to food. This was a lifestyle change designed to shake up my notions about food. It was an adventure, not a chore. Or at least that was the plan. Initially I went full vegetarian. In retrospect that was a bit silly. My taste buds weren't ready for that kind of move, and besides, I had no idea just how complicated such a change could be. For one thing I didn't bother to tell the household grocery shopper about my decision. Nor did I tell the cook. (She happens to be the same person.) If this new plan was going to work I was going to have to make some adjustments. The first thing I did was allow myself meat at three meals per week. Then two. Then I fiddled with fish and shrimp in place of land-loving meat sources. I never made it to all-out vegetarianism. However what I learned was that by permitting myself some meat it made my non-meat meals significantly easier to swallow (so to speak). I also discovered that "meat substitutes" generally aren't nearly as awful as they've been made out to be. Veggie products that try to be meat often fail miserably, but products that instead try to take the place of meat often do an admirable job. Fast forward to today, just shy of a year later, and where am I? For the most part I have evolved into a pescatarian. That is, I eat fish and shrimp, and occasionally other types of seafood, a couple times per week at most. I eat non-seafood meat now and then, ranging from twice a week to once every three weeks. When I do eat meat (of any type) I try to keep my portions smaller than average. Four ounces is typically plenty for me. Along the same lines, my entire meals are significantly smaller than the quantities I used to eat. I still do the same amount of activity, just with less weight in my belly. My health seems good. I didn't get a checkup last January (and I regret that) so I don't have a baseline to compare to. Anecdotally I feel less sluggish than I used to. I lost fifteen pounds over the course of 2010. The first five came off extremely quickly; the next five took about a month; and the last five took a couple months. I've been at a stable weight for about six months now. It's a weight I'm happy with. I don't put much stock in BMI, but for reference my BMI is 22.6. The chub came off my face, and my belly fat -- which really began to appear around my thirtieth birthday -- is about half gone. I plan to stick with this diet for a good long while. Even if absolutely nothing else had changed, my eating habits in 2010 introduced me to a wealth of new foods and new presentations of old foods. That alone made the switch worthwhile. Well that, plus the look on my mom's face every time she sees me eating foods I never would have touched previously (like raw broccoli). If you're making some sort of lifestyle switch, I wish you good luck. I hope you have as much fun with your changes as I've had with mine.

Driving to the Big O

By: Mr. Wilson on December 31, 2010
I'm supposed to drive to Omaha for arrival around 12:30 or 1:00. If any of you experience or hear about conditions on I-80 I'd appreciate your advice on whether or not I should attempt the journey. I'm not afraid of a little weather, but I'd also rather not start 2011 in a hospital bed.

Chink in the Armor

By: Mr. Wilson on December 31, 2010
It seems Bo is in the midst of a crisis. Actually, the crisis has been ongoing for some time now. Last night's game was just yet another symptom. What would you have him do about it?

Get Your Arena Fix

By: Mr. Wilson on December 30, 2010
There's a new website out there for your Haymarket Arena fix. Haymarket Now is supposedly the place to go for the latest news, public documents, and more. I say "supposedly" only because these sorts of websites have a tendency to get out of date over time. Hopefully this one is an exception. KLIN's Jack Mitchell thinks the logo "looks like the Hartford Whalers & Holiday Inn logos had a love child". Hmm: image The Whalers influence is definitely there, but the Holiday Inn influence is weaker. Perhaps the Whalers logo had relations with a simpler sort: image

Down in the Basement

By: Mr. Wilson on December 29, 2010
Speaking of downtown restaurants, is anything going on down in the Spaghetti Works basement? I know it can be rented, but the last time I was down there it felt kind of ... bleh. That space -- both the basement and the first floor -- seems like it deserves so much more than what's going on there now. I'm not sure what I'd do with it, though. Perhaps a nice cocktail lounge downstairs? I don't know. And speaking of the basement, raise your hand if you remember playing video games while waiting an hour for a table. Centipede, anyone? And Fun House! Such good times.

Val’s Downtown

By: Mr. Wilson on December 29, 2010
Valentino's is about to lose its home at 13th and Q. Good riddance to that location I say. The to-go location always feels dirty, cramped, and cold. Beyond that, it's an embarrassing reminder of a time when Lincolnites and visitors sought out the sugary-sweet red sauce.on floppy white dough. Not any more. Valentino's continued existence owes far more to nostalgia than to quality. Wouldn't it be nice if the folks behind Valentino's took this opportunity to pause and reflect on the state of their art, and perhaps come up with a vision for a contemporary Valentino's downtown location that actually causes folks to want to dine there? That'd be quaint, wouldn't it?

But I Don’t Wanna Drive All the Way to O Street!

By: Mr. Wilson on December 28, 2010
The good news is: Paul's will reopen. The bad news: They're changing locations to 48th and O, next to Super Saver. Well, that's only bad news if you're selfish and happen to live near their former location, like me. So much for my quick lunch visits. Oh well, at least they didn't close for good. And that, I'm sure you'll be happy to hear, should pretty much wrap up my Paul's posts for a while. At least until they reopen in their new digs sometime in the spring.

Weekend Wrap-Up

By: Mr. Wilson on December 27, 2010
It was a lovely weekend at 625 Elm Street. Some highlights:
  • I've never heard so many sincere "This is so cool!"s in my life. The boys were well gifted.
  • I thank all of you who contributed in some way to any of the various toy drives around Lincoln. Now that our foster boys were recipients, I've been on both the giving and receiving ends. As a giver, I always wished I could see the recipient open the gift. This year I wish I could have seen the boys thank the givers.
  • The Wilsons got a Wii this year. Much fun has been had already. Unfortunately, I'm just as inconsistent in video game bowling as in real bowling.
  • Imaginext playsets are awesome for boys. We already knew that, but this Christmas confirmed it. The past couple days have been filled with hour after hour of "Let's pretend ...". Mission accomplished.
  • We watched Polar Express last night, a movie that's far better in theory than in practice. While watching, Robbie said "Hey, that looks like Harry Potter's train. Except the Harry Potter engine is red." Now, this was surprising. To my knowledge Robbie has never mentioned Harry Potter before, and I've never seen him be exposed to Harry Potter's world. So I asked, "Oh yeah? How do you know what color the engine is in Harry Potter?" His answer floored me. He said, "Because I saw it on a poster in the bathroom in the lodge at Fort Robinson." According to him he remembers the color of the engine from a poster he saw once while on vacation 18 months ago shortly after he turned 3. Nice memory, kid.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Black Bushy Tails

By: Mr. Wilson on December 22, 2010
Twice in the past couple weeks I have seen black squirrels scampering around yards in my neighborhood. I don't have any way of knowing if it was the same squirrel, but the distance between the two sightings suggests they were different. I have lived in this neighborhood -- near Zeman Elementary -- for nearly seven years. These are the first black squirrels I have seen around here. Unfortunately, I doubt they will ever move in too close to my house. The neighbor's cats make sure that squirrels don't stay in my yard for long. Lincoln has a few pockets of black squirrels. I know there's at least one pocket starting along 40th Street near Campbell's Nursery and extending west toward the Country Club neighborhood. And if I remember right, it seems that somebody once told me there's a pocket in Bethany. Are there black squirrels in your neighborhood? Are you as drawn to them as I am?

Second Life for Paul’s?

By: Mr. Wilson on December 22, 2010
There's a lot of confusion about Paul's closing. First, I heard a rumor that those who happened to stop by yesterday noticed a note on the door saying the restaurant is moving. Either the note didn't say to where they are moving or the folks don't remember. Last night I happened to drive by the restaurant and I saw them cleaning the place out and loading everything into a truck. The interior looked pretty well stripped clean. This morning @ktdid120 said
@MrWilson just closed for the winter. His daughter is bff's w/ my daughter.
I followed up by asking if "closed for the winter" means they'll be back in the same location or a different one; @ktdid120 doesn't know but offered to check. If she gets back to me I will post an update here. Regardless, there's hope for Paul's and that's good news in my book. Cross your saucy little fingers, BBQ fans. UPDATE: The new word is that Paul's is simply remodeling and they will reopen after approximately three months. Set your calendars for March!
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