No Electric Shock This Time Around

By: Mr. Wilson on December 2, 2008
Only 4%, LES? Compared to last year's 14.1% rate increase, 4% is nothing. I haven't studied LES's budget proposal so I can't give much of an informed opinion of my own. I can, however, see what others think. The Lincoln Employers Coalition is "generally supportive" of the proposal, and LIBA doesn't seem to be raising a big stink. Those two groups represent the City's biggest electricity users, so they have the most at stake when rates are on the line. Then again, some (but certainly not all) of them can just raise their prices to offset the increased costs. That isn't really an option for homeowners, especially when salaries aren't exactly shooting up. As for the Wilson family, we've been trying to focus on keeping our energy bills low the old fashioned way: through efficiency and conservation. I just recently installed the first couple CFLs in our home; more will follow as our current lightbulbs die. We have kept heating costs in check by lowering the thermostat and by actively taking advantage of the sunlight coming through our southern windows. And so on. The end result is that, even with rate increases and despite one or more of us being home throughout the day, we're keeping our utility bills in check.

Bye Bye, Cheap Clothes

By: Mr. Wilson on December 2, 2008
...Well, not all cheap clothes. Just Steve and Barry's version, since the Gateway anchor has officially kicked the bucket. Times sure are lean at Gateway. The mall will no doubt roar back eventually. It goes through these down cycles periodically. Rumor has it that Barnes & Noble is considering a move from their current O Street location to the S&B spot. It would be a great, two-story location in a mall that has no other bookstore. But does it make business sense? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Show Me the Money ... In Six to Eight Weeks

By: Mr. Wilson on December 2, 2008
The West Haymarket Action Team presented the latest pretty pictures of proposed changes in the Haymarket to the City Council on Monday. But pictures aren't all that interesting at this stage. What's really interesting is that "(t)he West Haymarket Action Team says the city council will have a final site plan, financing package, arena cost and economic impact information in six to eight weeks." That means we should have some critical information in our hands by January 26. I'm looking forward to it.

Huskers at Home

By: Mr. Wilson on December 1, 2008
The Nebraska volleyball team will host first and second round NCAA tournament games this weekend. Tickets went on sale last night at 10:00PM. I can't tell if any tickets are left or not because the online form sucks rocks. I assume tickets have sold out by now. My dad and I both ended up with the maximum allotment of 4 tickets. I don't know if we will actually use all 8 tickets. If we don't, I'll check back here to see if anybody wants them.

Taking the Boy Scout Motto Too Far?

By: Mr. Wilson on December 1, 2008
I'm all for being proactive rather than reactive. But I can't figure out how it makes sense for Lincoln's road crews to lay down anti-icing solution even in beautiful weather. Sure the stuff is relatively cheap ($0.05 per gallon). But it isn't free, and more importantly, neither is the labor. Public Works Roger Tiedeman says it's to help prevent frost build-up on bridges and arterials. I guess I didn't realize that frosty arterials were a major cause of fender benders. In any event, now that December has arrived it's much easier for the City to sell the idea that once-per-week preventative sprayings serve a useful purpose. The deeper into winter we get, the more likely that a "winter weather event" -- snow, sleet, freezing rain -- will occur within the next week (the stated duration of effectiveness of the solution). And let's be fair: a big chunk of Public Works' motivation is their woeful performance and the subsequent public outcry a couple winters back. By being (appearing?) on the ball, Public Works may be saving itself from a lot of flak later on. Or maybe not. We Lincolnites like to complain about the snow removal crews. There's always something. Maybe we should shift our complaints to the meteorologists. Public Works could be much more efficient if Ken Siemek could just get his four-week weather models perfected.

Last Game of the Season

By: Mr. Wilson on November 26, 2008
Most of you know that I am a soccer referee. Last night marked -- I think -- the last game of my fall soccer season. The season ended on a good note. Overall it was a great season, and the latter part of the year brought three firsts. I had the opportunity to center the U17B Nebraska State Cup championship game. I was part of a crew on my first televised match, a Missouri Valley Conference womens match shown on Fox Sports Midwest. And just last night I was on the crew of my first NCAA tournament match. In addition, I completed the requirements to upgrade to a Grade 6 USSF referee. I should have finished that upgrade years ago; oh well, I won't allow the same thing to happen with my next upgrade. If any of you folks have ever thought about becoming a soccer referee at any level, please let me know. I would be happy to help you get started. There is a new referee clinic coming up in December.

Catalyst Done?

By: Mr. Wilson on November 26, 2008
Exactly one year ago I commented on the fact that little had been said about the Catalyst One highrise project. I posted a few other times on the same topic. So it was with very little surprise that I read this morning that the project is gasping for air. In all fairness, the project sounded ridiculously huge and expensive from the get-go. I was never optimistic that the end result would be nearly as grand as the proposal. But I did figure we would end up with something. And by "something" I don't mean two bugly blacktop parking lots. At this point I say we cut our losses and go with Karin Dalziel's original idea:
The cynical side of me believes these will stay parking lots for years. 😊 I say we build a big, adult friendly park - with grown up sized swings and slides, and a place to play 4 square. That’d be fun! (I admit I’m a bit weird, though)

SPAM from the Mayor

By: Mr. T on November 25, 2008
image Give the gift of mystery meat this year. The Mayor's office has issued a SPAM challenge in which they are matching donated cans of SPAM to the Food Bank. Sounds like a cool idea to me. Hat Tip Nikkidemas.

Lincoln’s Next Lively Debate?

By: Mr. Wilson on November 25, 2008
Lincolnites love a good local debate. Could Mayor Beutler's proposal to legalize automated traffic cameras be the next fiery topic? Nationwide, traffic cameras are loved and reviled. Municipalities love 'em. Traffic cameras increase revenue for relatively little cost. Revenue increases even more when municipalities shorten yellow light times to increase red light violations. A few communities have been caught doing that. Motorists hate them. Nobody likes being caught in the act of doing something you've always gotten away with in the past. Plus, all those new brake lights lead to substantial increases in rear-end collisions in communities that install traffic cameras. Moreover, plenty of folks think it's a little creepy to be watched by cameras wherever they go. Before Lincoln installs traffic enforcement cameras, Mayor Beutler and other local officials are going to have to prove two things: first, that there is a problem; and second, that traffic cameras are the best solution. Maybe both are true, maybe they aren't. Presumably we will learn more if the topic makes it onto the Unicameral's agenda, and again if the City Council takes up the issue. What is your gut reaction to the idea of using traffic enforcement cameras in Lincoln, whether for speeding, red light running, or other offenses?

Mr. T’s World Collapses

By: Mr. Wilson on November 25, 2008
I have some bad news for Mr. T and you other Catty Girls fans out there: the ladies are calling it quits. Today's was their last newspaper column. To whom will Lincolnites now turn for their fashion and etiquette advice? I'll start off the nominations with the power duo of Jack Mitchell and Matt Olberding. Will you gents step up and guide Lincolnites from the fashion abyss? Nominate your favorites here.

Christmas in Uni Place

By: Mr. Wilson on November 24, 2008
Lincolnite Angie Parde dropped me a note and asked me to let everybody know about an upcoming event in Uni Place:
Historic University Place Holiday Event will take place on November 29th from 1:00 to 3:00. Santa and his LIVE reindeer will be in the area for the little ones to see. Come shop the unique and fun shops in the UNI place area and Tiaras -- the new children's boutique will have Christmas cookies, prizes, drawings, and gift with purchase. Phone: 402-466-2100 for more information.
We may have to take Robbie to see the reindeer. He has been fascinated with reindeer ever since seeing the reindeer at the zoo trying to rid themselves of their antlers. Robbie likes to re-enact the event by banging his head on furniture and saying "Reindeer bang! Ouch!"
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