You’re Really Not Going to Like This

By: Mr. Wilson on January 15, 2009
Plenty of folks are fired up over the preliminary property valuations they received in the mail recently. If they are mad about that, they're really not going to like the Impact Fee Committee's recommendations to raise taxes. I don't like taxes and I don't like tax increases, but I do like a certain level of local infrastructure and services. I'm not sure we can achieve the latter -- in particular with regard to infrastructure -- without the former, though there's always hope. I haven't yet had time to read through the report to see how the committee came to the conclusion that tax increases are necessary. After a quick scan of the document I don't see any suggestions for spending cuts, for example. That doesn't damn the report or the committee's work; the committee's charge wouldn't have included such an analysis. It is important to understand that the committee's recommendations are based on a narrow view of the City's situation so that the ideas are digested in the correct context. What do you think?


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