You Know You’re Getting Older When…

By: Mr. Wilson on May 19, 2011
...the little tyke named Vincent who accompanied his mother to track practices while you were training for the State Track Meet is now himself preparing to run at the State Track Meet. Yeesh, how time flies! The photo of Vincent and Carol Moravec that accompanies that article shows the Lincoln Southeast track. I have to laugh a little bit at how nice the track is now. Back in my day it was a crappy cinder track ... and we liked it! Well, no we didn't. But running on that track did teach us how to power through the turns. If you didn't hold on tight you'd skid right off the track! Best of luck to all the competitors at this weekend's State Track Meet. The meet is a wonderful spectacle. If you haven't ever been there, think about going to check it out sometime. In total I spent less than 8 minutes competing on that track back in 1996 and 1997, but those are 8 minutes I love to recall. Good times.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

May 19, 2011 at 3:19PM

I was never fast enough to skid on anything less slippery than a sheet of ice.

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