Where in Lincoln is this?

By: Mr. T on December 16, 2013
image image EDIT: It was indeed the metal palm tree in front of Clearwater Pools in Normandy Court. Good going meatball! This means that if meatball is the first to correctly guess the next edition of this game, we will get him or her a pogocard! The rub is, I'm leaving town for several weeks and headed for warmer climates. Thus, unless Mr. Wilson takes over the game, the next edition won't be until next year. Happy holidays!


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 16, 2013 at 2:39PM

I believe I have seen something like this in the Pioneer Woods shopping center at 70th and Pioneers.  More specifically, on the south side near the smoothie place.

December 16, 2013 at 2:43PM

In front of swimming pool place across from Heidelberg’s in strip mall near 16th & Old Cheney.

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