What Book Got You Hooked?

By: Mr. Wilson on July 19, 2007
I wasn't going to post this, but when I saw that Nebraska is in second place behind Oklahoma, I couldn't resist. Go vote for Nebraska and tell them your favorite book, and let's try to topple those Sooners. Note that you do NOT have to enter any personal information even though the form asks for it. You can successfully submit your vote without entering your name or anything.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mrs CU
July 19, 2007 at 12:58PM

Go one better-tell/email others to let them know they need to vote also….every day; from work and from home!

It’s a great cause!!!!!!!

July 19, 2007 at 3:37PM

So, give it up, what book was it?

For me, 50 years ago, my two older sisters taught me to read using the Little Brown Bear books.

July 19, 2007 at 3:52PM

I’m embarrassed to say this, but I used to be addicted to the Sweet Valley High books.

Give me a break, I was 8 😊

This has been making the librarian list rounds- you can feel good knowing librarians have voted early, and are voting often.

“[Someone] contacted the First Book people and asked how far behind we are.  No number was given, but we were told Oklahoma “has a good lead, but it is still very much anyone’s race.”

Mr. Wilson
July 19, 2007 at 3:53PM

Berenstein Bears all the way. I used to love those books.

July 19, 2007 at 6:14PM

Is there anyone out there who remembers a series of books that had tan covers and they were all adventure type books?

Kit Carson, Buffalo Bill, Chief Black Hawk, etc….

This would have been late fifties early sixties.

I used to devour those books.  We had furnace grates in the floor of our house and I would wake up early in the morning on cold winter days and go sit on the grates and read those adventure stories.  Sure wish I could find those books in good condition.

July 19, 2007 at 10:12PM

The book that first got me hooked (I guess it’s more of a young’uns novel) was Ginger Pye by Eleanor Estes.  It had kids, it had mystery, it had a dog, and an “unsavory character”.  It was the book that taught me what the word “unsavory” meant.

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