Welcome Back, Friday Night

By: Mr. Wilson on May 30, 2008
Ever since we brought Robbie home from Boston, the Wilsons have enjoyed heading to SouthPointe Pavilions on Friday nights in the summer for their Friday Nights Live concert series. Tonight marks the series' return for the 2008 season. On stage will be D'Funk. If you happen to be out there tonight, be sure to look us up. Robbie tends to keep himself pretty visible, so just look for the two year-old with the rockin' dance moves being followed by his two parents who have no dancing ability whatsoever. We are usually near Sartor Hamann or in the kids' area just to the south. Are any of you planning to go tonight?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

May 30, 2008 at 2:01PM

Funny, I’m a BryanLGH employee and apparently these are put on by us… yet I’ve never heard of it. 

Oh well, maybe I’ll stop by.  If you see a guy in an ICON leather motorcycle jacket sweating his ass off, thats me. 😛

May 30, 2008 at 2:33PM

Please don’t steal thousands of dollars of clothes from any of the stores there. Apparently, it’s quite easy to do. You can seemingly empty the shelves at the Abercrombie Fitch, and employees won’t notice for a couple of days (that’s the way it’s written in the LJS).

May 30, 2008 at 4:09PM

We are 50-50 for tonight but it’s close to the house and it’s a great time. I’ll look you up if we decide to go.

May 30, 2008 at 7:29PM

Oh yeah, and “have fun!” to all those that are going!

May 30, 2008 at 8:28PM

I need a new hoodie, y’all. And all the baby clothes you can muster. We’re having a girl. 😉

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