Weather Fatigue

By: Mr. Wilson on June 11, 2008
I love Nebraska's weather. First we sit through a drought for a few years. Then, when the drought is ready to be over, we don't just get "enough" rain, we get a lot of rain. Or at least, it seems like a lot of rain. I haven't seen comparisons to previous years to know how we're comparing to average. But you can't drive anywhere outside the city and not see standing water in the fields. It's feast or famine, I guess. And whaddaya know? We're due for more severe weather tonight. Hang on to your hats.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

June 11, 2008 at 2:41PM

Lake McConaughy is at its highest point in 5 years, at 46% capacity.  Especially with high gas prices & people taking closer vacations, I bet Big Mac’ll see a lot of action over the 4th of July.

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