
By: Mr. Wilson on May 13, 2008
Your high school civics teacher wants you to vote today. Don't have any idea what's on the ballot? The Journal Star has a quick guide. One of the most interesting issues will be the Lancaster County jail funding proposal. I've talked about the mess that is the jail several times, so I won't go into it again. Will Lincolnites vote for the funding, knowing it's probably the best financing mechanism for the all-but-inevitable jail? Or will they send the County Board a message by voting nay, forcing the Board to find money elsewhere?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

May 13, 2008 at 7:41PM

I just heard them say on KLIN that the jail will be built regardless of the outcome of today’s vote, and that they’ve selected the contractor.


May 14, 2008 at 1:02AM

Okay, I guess the vote has to do with whether we should pay off the prison in 10 years or in 26 years or something to that effect.

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