Too Soon!

By: Mr. Wilson on November 15, 2007
Argh, the Christmas music has begun. My annual ritual of radio station avoidance thus commences. I'm not anti-Christmas music like some people are, though I admit I get closer every year. I don't have a specific time frame that I think Christmas music is "ok", but generally speaking I think December is a good rule of thumb. Maybe Black Friday. Beyond that, I think there has to at least be the possibility of "Christmas-like" weather. Snow is ideal, but at least some nice frosty days. So far this year we haven't even come close. Without the appropriate weather, how can it feel like Christmas? Somebody must love listening to Christmas music this early. Radio stations wouldn't play the music if there weren't an audience. So fess up. Who are the early Christmas music lovers among us?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

November 15, 2007 at 3:12PM

I blame Shaffers.

November 15, 2007 at 3:15PM

I am not listening to it yet, but I think it’s awesome. There’s enough alternative music up and down the dial that it shouldn’t really be a drag unless Star 104.5 is your main listening pleasure. We almost always turn on the Christmas music in the car every time we get in - at least after Thanksgiving. As nice as it is outside, let’s not forget that Thanksgiving is only a week away.

Jeff Rapp
November 15, 2007 at 3:33PM

@beerorkid:  They only celebrate Christmas in July.

November 15, 2007 at 4:37PM

There are 40 days to Christmas.  That makes 11% of a year.  Christmas music does not comprise 11% of the best music the world has to offer.

Mrs CU
November 15, 2007 at 4:37PM

I’m with Mr. Wilson; it’s way too early for Christmas music.  Thanksgiving should be the start date, but only a few an hour; increasing as we get closer to Christmas.  All day the 24th & 25th would be appropriate.
KFOR is my choice for radio listening; a nice mix of news, talk, music and some chuckles slipped in from time to time.

November 15, 2007 at 10:29PM

The Christmas music is just too much. They’re just ruining a good thing. But stores start putting Christmas stuff out in October, so the radio station isn’t the only guilty one.

If only I could get my mother-in-law to cook a Christmas meal in October *AND* in December ... that would be awesome.

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